Head of the SPM laboratory

Dr. Alex Redinger
Alex Redinger studied Physics at the RWTH Aachen in Germany. He carried out his PhD in the group of Prof. Thomas Michely where he studied ion-surface interactions with scanning tunneling microscopy. As a Postdoc he worked at the University of Luxembourg in the group of Prof. Susanne Siebentritt and at the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin in the group of Dr. Thomas Unold. The overall topic of his postdoctoral stays were the fabrication and characterizations of kesterite solar cells.
In 2016, he was granted an FNR ATTRACT Consolidator grant, which allowed him to build up a scanning probe microscopy group to study the surfaces and interfaces of thin film solar cells.
Since March 2017, Alex has been building up his new group at the University of Luxembourg, called Scanning Probe Microscopy Laboratory.
Alex Redinger is now an associate professor at the University of Luxembourg in the Physics and Materials Science Research Unit.
His research interests are:
Thin film solar cells such as Cu(In,Ga)Se2 , kesterites and hybrid perovskites
Scanning Probe microscopy methods (STM, STS, KPFM)
Photoluminescence and Time-resolved Photoluminescence